Morals of the Holocaust
Everybody is equal, no matter their race or size, and that is one lesson I learned while studying the Holocaust. I feel like people judge individuals by what’s on the “outside”, or their religion. Everyone’s probably done it at least once. I know I’ve done it. I’ve judged a sweet, smart girl that is capable of doing everything I can do and that’s wrong. Why is this a bad thing? We’re influencing more pupils, or people, to do it too. Think about it, we have politicians, Donald Trump etc., who say and do things to make people seem like “bad guys”. My mom was an alcoholic. That doesn’t mean she was a bad person. She just couldn’t stop. Everyone deserves a chance to feel like they belong, so don’t judge and include everyone.
Another lesson I learned from the Holocaust is to be brave. Anne Frank was a girl who had to live in hiding for two years, 1942-1944, during World War Two. All day she had to sit and be still, so no one would hear her and discover the hiding place. My point is she had to continuously be brave like many others in hiding. Whether you have to give a speech to a class, or you have to hit off of a 90 mph fastball pitch, you should show and use bravery to get through it.