October 2015 archive

Lost but Found

I was in. It’s pitch black, and I can’t see anything. I can’t recall a lot of memories from last night, today, or even tomorrow. I’m not sure. Although, I’m almost one hundred percent sure I’m not in my room.

Every year the government chooses twenty kids to be entered in a test. Nobody knows where or what the so called “test” is because the kids have sworn secrecy, well the ones that make it out.

My name is Claire. I have blonde hair and hazel eyes. I’m your average eleven-year-old, so I’m just wearing my white-colored suit with my hair tied up in a simple ponytail. At least I used to be your average eleven-year-old.

All of the sudden I heard a noise. “Crunch”! The sound of a person stepping on leaves alarmed me. My eyesight started to focus. I look up and see a boy with light brown hair and green eyes. Now, almost all of the boys look like that. He suddenly broke the silence, “My name is Peyton. Quickly, get up and follow me!”

“Why should I follow you?” I said rudely. “ Just trust me.” Before I could speak, he pulled me up and started once again pulling me, but this time he took me across a bridge(I’m pretty sure he built it.) over a rushing, gushing, rapid-containing river. Swish, swoosh, swish, swoosh.

I soon spotted a tree house. “Did you build this?” He then said rudely, “No it’s just my neighbors.” “You have neighbors?”I asked curiously “No! We’re in the middle of a wooded enclosure! Do you really think I have neighbors?!”

We left it at that, and started climbing up his ladder. It seemed like forever, and I was starting to mourn over this whole experience. As soon as we got up he rolled up his ladder “professionally”. He then typed in some type of code into his home made contraption, and the door opened.

He urged me to come sit down on his “couch” or somewhat of a couch. He got a “cup” and poured most-likely river water inside of it and gave it to me.”Drink it.” So I did, it wasn’t the best, but at least it was something.”Peyton?” l asked. “Yeah?” “Is there a way out of here?” “I was waiting until I met someone here who would be trustful to tell them the way out.”He stated simply. “Am I trustful enough?” I asked another question. “I’m not sure, but my gut-feeling says yes.” “Then go with your gut -feeling.”

Without talking, he got up and went down a secret set of stairs, and motioned me to follow him. We walked into a tunnel, and up ahead lied a dead end. Wait no, it wasn’t a dead end! It’s a door! “It takes two people to open it.” So that’s why you waited so long?” “Yes.”, he said smiling. Peyton showed me how to open it. Peyton and I both tried our hardest to open it. The door wouldn’t budge! We tried again… it didn’t work. Alas, we tried a third time, and slowly but surely the door started to open.

We walked through the door. I was ecstatic, jumping up and down, spinning all around, we had made it! Peyton and I remained friends, and he taught me a very important lesson, have kindness.


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